Pic: 9to5 Google |
Remember the folding bot from CNET that folded Samsung galaxy fold for over about 9 hours at a high speed of 2.5 folds per second. In this test, the Samsung galaxy fold lasted for about more than 120,000 folds. Watch the video here
Now it's time for moto Razar a new single-screen folding phone to take this folding test. After testing it on the folding bot the new moto razor just lasted for 27000 folds.
Tech Experts has done small math to calculate the life of a moto Razr phone folding.
The math goes like this :
If you open and close the moto Razr phone 100 times a day on average that gives you around 270 days of life.
so Samsung has done a better job than the Motorola in hinges and Motorola has done a good job in the display. Well, Razr has not gone the same vigours as Galaxy fold.
In Samsung galaxy fold, at first, the display has got visible pink lines at 119,000 folds and after 122000 folds the hinge is making noises to fold.
Coming to Moto Razr the screen is in intact but the hinge is not folding at all and small misalignment in the hinge is noticed.