What's in Netflix Becoming?

In this Netflix Documentary Film Michell Obama, the 44th first lady of the United States of America shares her experiences during her time in the white house. This documentary is narrated by Michell Obama herself during her 34 stops of her book tour Becoming Michell Obama.

She shares about her childhood memories, time with her parents, funny big brother and her house with the minor details which makes her even close to your heart and how she overcame when media showed her as the anti-nationalist, angry, black woman during the campaign of 2008 elections.

Michell shares her little adventure in the white house with her daughter when America announced gay marriage is legal, which is quite funny and interesting. 

The time she spent with her security detail for 12 long years and treat him as his elder brother who takes care of her all time. The secret service agent describing the picture of him and Michell Obama water sliding will make you laugh.

The last day in the White House, changing the uniforms of the butlers, letting her children make their own beds are quite a few funny moments I like in this doc-film.

During a group talks with high school kids, the moderator asks the kids, do anyone thinks why me? The reaction when she knows why she got selected for this group is priceless.

I don't want to rate a human beings life who is inspiring the younger generation to face the world with a smile and courage.

I didn't get a chance to read the book but I will definitely read the book after watching this documentary.

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