This movie is based on the life story of Sergio Vieira de Mello played by Wagner Moura, Ana de Armas as Carolina Larriera directed by Greg Barker.
The movie begins with a bomb blast on united nations in Baghdad, the main target of the blast is Sergio. He and his friend Gil Loescher (BrÃan F. O'Byrne) stuck under the debris. As the Sergio in shock state, the movie switches back and forth to the time where his service in Timor.
Sergio used his skills to get the independence to Timor from Indonesia as a last and final job before his retirement he went to Baghdad as a United Nations diplomat. When he arrived, ordered the military to back off] from guarding the building. As a result, the UN building was bombed by the terrorists.
The screenplay moves from the past in Indonesia and present in Sergio stuck under the debris of bombing. Sergio's character is daring like James Bond in real life too, his courageous acts in diplomacy earn him that name. Wagner Moura justifies his character as Sergio as both of them from Brazil, the same body language reminds the Sergio Vieira de Mello.
Carolina Larriera played by Ana de Armas as the economist, girlfriend to Sergio was good and excellent. The romantic scenes might be slightly overdone to this kind of biographical films.
The film profits most, from the work behind the camera: the editing of Claudia Castello and a script from Oscar nominee Craig Borten. Their works create the depth needed for the film’s sad ending while carrying the internal and external work de Mello was doing to avoid it.
There is a documentary on Sergio which is also directed by the Greg Barker released in 2009 on HBO.