Yes, you heard it right, eligible Vodafone prepaid users can avail the Amazon Prime membership worth Rs 999 for one year at just Rs 499. This offer is valid till June 30, 2019, and it’s only to Vodafone prepaid users, not Idea prepaid customers.
The Youth Offer by Vodafone will avail the Amazon Prime membership to the subscribers between age 18 and 24 at just half the price.
This will not be valid for the postpaid subscribers of Vodafone.
Without the Vodafone U prepaid offer of 50%, a regular Amazon Prime membership would set back the buyer by Rs 999, however, combined with this offer, subscribers of Vodafone prepaid plan would be able to get it for Rs 499.
To avail the offer you will first need to download the My Vodafone app. After downloading the application, you will need to tap on the banner which you see on the front to make use of the offer provided to you. In case you already have the MyVodafone app, and you aren’t able to see the banner, then you will need to update your app once.
Vodafone has also clarified that in case you are already an Amazon Prime member then the offer won’t be of much use to you unless you use it after your current subscription expires.
Also, people in the age of 18 to 24, who are using someone else’s SIM card won’t get the benefit, and they will have to get a new Vodafone SIM in their name along with the eKYC to take advantages of this offer.