Why wildfire season never stops?

wildfire or wildland fire is a fire in an area of combustible vegetation that occurs in the countryside or rural area. Depending on the type of vegetation where it occurs, a wildfire can also be classified more specifically as a brush firebushfiredesert fireforest firegrass firehill firepeat firevegetation fire, and veld fire.

In San Francisco, a fire to the north recently covered the city in ash. Fire season never stopped in California. it's a 12 months occurrence now, and maybe the most frustrating thing about wildfires is very little wild about them. Wildfires are a man-made disaster, which means it's gonna be up to us to stop them.

It affected more than 38,000 people in Redding and elsewhere in Shasta County have been ordered to leave their homes from the 80,900-acre (32,740-hectare) Carr Fire, which has destroyed at least 500 homes and businesses. Officials warned further evacuation orders were possible. Some 3,400 firefighters on the ground and in 17 helicopters were battling the fire, which was just 5 percent contained as it ripped through Redding, a city of 90,000 people, in California's scenic Shasta-Trinity area. 

What are causes to start the wildfire?

People Start Fire

Globally on an average 350-450 million hectares burned by wildfires every year. that's about the size of India. Lots of these fires are intentional. they are often used to clear-cut land for agricultural. But humans are mostly to blame for accidental fires, too. In Us People spark a  fire about roughly 84%. In California, it's about 91%.

The Span of Causing accidental fires in the forest are such as firecrackers, campfires, or something as common as a car stopping on the dry grass. But a major reason is power lines. Powerlines play a major role in northern California in 2017. powerlines can come down in strong wind, or trees can blow into power lines.

California Fire Investigators says electrical lines and equipment sparked 16 of the big fires that killed 44 people and burned 2,50,000 acres in Northern California in October 2017. 

The best solution is to bury the electrical lines underground, but that's a huge project, and no one is interested to pay for it. 

People Make Fire Bigger 

Wildfires are only wild until they populated areas, and people have made it too easy for fire. 
Some studies estimate that more than 40% of new houses are constructed in fire-prone areas. 

But what's more, California housing crisis is driving people to cities borders and beyond. That puts more people in fires way, it makes smaller, controllable burns tricker, which are crucial to keeping the ecosystems healthy and preventing the slow build-up of fuel.

If you have a landscape that has a lot of human activity on it, it difficult to allow the fire to take its natural course, because it will bump into a community or an industry. There is so much human activity on the landscape. it's hard to let fires burn.

Scientists advise that if you are going to build right in the fire-prone area, you should at least build in a buffer such as Cricket Stadiums, Football Feilds, Golf Course these are the generally good fire breakers.

We All Are Responsible 

So many fires start from a tiny exhaust spark is that so many of the areas are tinderboxes,  and for that, we may have climate change to thank. As the atmosphere warms, the ability to hold moisture increases exponentially. This means evaporation, evapotranspiration, increases dramatically, and this means our fuels will be drier unless we get increases in precipitation.

Studies estimate that for every degree the temperature goes up, you need 15% more precipitation to offset all of the evaporation, and we are not likely to get it. Researchers projects that drought risk in California will only get worse as global temperatures rise.

How do we fight back against wildfires?

Well, burry power lines, build fire breaks into communities, do more controlled burns. Every human-caused fire is preventable. If you keep the people out of the forest and wildlands, then there are no human-caused fires.