OnePlus had recently announced the arrival of the OnePlus 6 Red which is set to go on sale on July 16 at Rs 39,999. The sales for the smartphone will commence at the time of the Amazon Prime Day Sale where consumers will be able to avail offers with HDFC Bank on the OnePlus Red and other variants as well.
Speaking on the Prime Day Sale of OnePlus 6 Red, Akshay Sahi, Director & Head of Prime, Amazon India said, “We are excited to partner with OnePlus to launch the OnePlus 6, Red exclusively for our members this Prime Day. Prime members can get their hands on OnePlus 6, Red edition which comes with a stunning reflective finish for an amber-like effect from 12 noon on July 16.”
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he new OnePlus Red edition comes with 8GB RAM and 128GB storage capacity. To add to this, OnePlus is also bringing the 256GB storage variant to the OnePlus 6 Midnight Black. The price tag for the 256GB variant is Rs 43,999 and sales will comment at 00:00 hrs, July 10 on
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