In Hollywood movies you can see before attacking the enemy's, soldiers use drones to identify the enemy's positions and their weapons. You may see Huge drone to attack remotely and also for surveillance. Instead of heavy Drones this time US Army added a tiny personal drone to their surveillance drones as part of a $2.6 million contract with Flir, a thermal imaging, and technology company. 
Flir is known for its thermal imaging camera technology, which it has been integrating into drones.

The order marks the US Army's first for the Soldier Borne Sensors program, which aims to provide military personnel with more awareness of their surroundings using drones. 
The given name to this drone project is Black Hornet Personal Reconnaissance System. It is the world smallest Combat-proven-nano-Drone. The US Army ordered these Drones. These weigh around 32 grams and it contains GPS and it can also use Self Navigation to the assigned location. Drone contains advanced cameras which can process video with high quality. And it can also produce thermal images. This drone can fly a distance of 2 kilometers with a speed of 21kmph.

By using this drone U.S Army provides it soldiers with an advantage to Modern battlefields, Flir CEO James Cannon said in a statement. "This contract demonstrates the strong demand for nano-drone technology offered by Flir and opens the way for broad deployment across all branches of the military."
The US Army bought Black Hornet drones from Flir for testing and evaluation in 2016 and will continue to evaluate and potentially roll out more drones for all units. In 2015, the Army special forces tested a handful of the palm-size PD-100 Black Hornet drones from Norway's Prox Dynamics. 


In this video a man hides in the cliff using this drone tester finds the man by using inbuilt GPS and gyroscope in this nano drone