Asus had made three announcements the VivoWatch BP, The ZenBook Pro & a freaking two-screen AI laptop which is from future. Project Precog  is the name given to this project by Asus. In this project laptop is built from ground using Artificial Intelligence. It's built for future. As it does not contain both keyboard and trackpad on this dual screen laptop. As for now no specifications are mentioned. during presentation laptop looks like a 13 inch dual touch screen.

                                                               source Cnet

Asus' said it was a prototype . It'll be available in 2019, said Marcel Campos, global PC and phone marketing senior director at Asus, who proclaimed "a PC with AI capabilities must have a dual screen.

As we have seen a lot of AI feature Hit phones like Huawei's mate 10 and P20 ,  for instance, know what the lens is looking at, be it a person, a dog, a cat, a plant, food and so on, and optimizes the settings accordingly. We've also seen early versions of a dual-screen laptop, with Lenovo's 2016 Yoga Book having no physical keyboard, but a digital one. 

In Project Precog, Asus meant cover Artificial Intelligence design and thechnology in considerable way.

Here are the features what Asus Promised to build.

  • It knows whether the keyboard or mouse is near, if not it will automatically turns on the virtual keyboard and track pad.
  • it can shift the keyboard according to your placement of hands on the laptop while you are typing.
  • It'll conserve the battery according to your time of meetings Through Artificial Intellegence.
  • There's AI compatibility with Microsoft Office programs. The example cited was that Excel would suggest the best ways for you to present data as you put it into a spreadsheet.
  • Laptop can work in like book, laptop, flat and tent modes with stylus and pens. It also consists of Facial & Object recognition.  

Asus ZenBook Pro 

If you want something different try Asus ZenBook Pro. You don't have to wait until 2019 for Asus Concept computer equipped with 5.5 inch touch display. Asus calling it as Screen pad. in this screen pad you can watch youtube videos or browse facebook as well as trackpad. For this Special track pad Asus designed apps, calculator and music player and it also comes with microsoft apps support.


VivoWatch BP 

According to Asus , the world's first medical-grade blood pressure monitor inside a smartwatch. 

Why is this impressive? Because to get a medical-grade anything into a watch, it needs to get FDA approval.
Eventually, with all the vitals they'll be able to measure, wearables will literally be lifesavers (even more than they are now). Having a medical-grade measurement is a big step in that direction.


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